Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tantrumous Toddler

Okay well, most of the time Eli's tantrums are very mild. I can handle them. Today on the other hand, he was perfectly happy. It was approaching nap time so we got him a drink and I dropped a few ice cubes in the cup. He loves ice cubes so I offered him one. He had it for a few minutes, then he handed it back to me. He started asking for another one, so I got it for him but he handed it to me again after a minute. I put it in the sink and told him no more ice cubes and he started crying. I couldn't calm him down for twenty minutes. In hindsight, I realized that he wanted the ice cubes that were actually in his cup.

He just wouldn't stop, I tried to be was hard. I ended up putting him in his bedroom and told him if he wanted to come out he would have to stop crying and calm down. This was after I had exhausted all other options, holding him, being more stern with him, being more understanding, etc. I tried everything, except giving him the ice cube of course. So after about three minutes in his room, I knocked on the door and asked him if he was all better. He said, no. I asked him if I could have a hug, he said no. I asked him if I could have a kiss, he said no. I asked him if he wanted to go for a car ride, he held up his arms. His poor face was so splotchy, snot dripping down (he has a cold), tears all over his pillow.

We ended up getting in the car and going for a drive. He passed out thankfully. Ugh, that was hard to deal with.

Cooped Up

Eli and I have been stuck indoors this past weekend and a few days so far this week, for a few reasons: (1) we both have a cold (2) it's too hot outside (3) we've been anxiously awaiting a package that needs to be signed for.

Eli has desperately needed something to play with in the backyard. He has the splash pad but he's pretty much lost interest in playing with that. I recently ordered him a water table type kitchen set from Amazon. It's called Mudpie Kitchen. There's a basin that you fill with water. You can push down on the handle and water comes out of the faucet. There is also a mixer, which your supposed to put water and dirt in to make mudpies. It comes with tools to do so.

I am really anxious for it to get here so we have something to do in the shade of the patio in the afternoon. We haven't been going out in the afternoon with all the heat advisories. I'm too afraid that Eli will overheat dragging him from place to place. Boy, I really miss the fall/winter/spring weather. Even with all the snow we had, at least we can bundle up. We certainly can't go around shopping half naked :)

A few months back I bought Eli a set of Sesame Street blocks on clearance that I had intended to give him on his birthday. Well, since we have been staying mostly indoors I decided to get them out so he can play with them. He LOVES them. He spent hours playing with those blocks. I was so happy to see something holding his attention for some time that I decided to get him some more (I think the first set only had about 40 pieces, not enough for me to play with him). There wasn't a very good selection of K'nex (the sesame street brand) so I got him the Lego Duplo's set. It came with 80 pieces for a decent price. I also got him a smaller zoo keeper lego set, which came with a lego zoo keeper woman, a lion, an elephant, a polar bear, and a giraffe. We've been having a good time building houses and bridges and whatever else.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The words are a comin'

Eli had me cracking up with laughter this morning. About five minutes after he wakes up this morning he starts signing eat, and says the word as well. So I asked him what he wanted to eat. He started singing this song that Cookie Monster sings which goes like this "C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me, C is for Cookie that's good enough for me. Oh Cookie Cookie Cookie is for me." Haha, so I laughed and asked him if he wanted a cookie and he started jumping up and down (I call his cereal bars cookies). Then a few minutes later he signed outside and said outside. So we went outside.

It's really great that he is slowly starting to say new words. The signing has really helped him and I can tell he is so excited that he can communicate with us now. So am I.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

90 day countdown....

Rain in his face, he loved looking up and getting wet!

....until Eli's 2nd birthday! Wow, I can't believe my little boy is going to be two soon!

Eli and I went to a local water park a few weeks back with some of our friends. It really seemed like Eli was enjoying himself until the part when he rubbed a little sunblock in his eyes. Mix that with a little chlorinated water and voila! Disaster! I got really worried for a minute there when it seemed he could barely open his eyes. My friend Linde helped me get some water for his eyes and we tried to hold him down to rinse out his eyes. He ended up crying, which I guess was also helpful but I didn't want to scare him. By the time we got home an hour later, he was feeling much better. I learned my lesson the hard way with the sunblock. Did you know they make tear free sunblock?

We have been watching our sign language videos. Eli knows how to sign Mommy, Daddy, baby, eat, more, drink, cat, cow, mouse, outside, and all done. The amazing thing about teaching him these signs is that he also has learned to say the words. He says all done so well now. A week ago he couldn't say it at all. He beams with pride when he signs. I am also so proud.

We had a great 4th of July (sorry no pictures). JR invited some co-workers over for a BBQ and there were quite a few kids running around here. Eli played really well with everyone and they all had a good time. I was a little unsure how Eli would do with the fireworks. They have been going off for the last few weeks and Eli can hear them from his bedroom while he's going to sleep at night. At first, he would hear them and clutch to me with all his might. By about the third week of hearing them, they almost didn't phase him anymore. So on the 4th, we put all our chairs outside on the driveway and watched the show in the neighborhood. He did great! At one point he was sitting on the chair between JR and I and snacking on some raisins.
With all the light from the fireworks, we were able to see all the frogs making their way out into the lawn. Eli saw them and couldn't stop looking for them. He didn't care about the fireworks at all once he saw the frogs. He told me "All done" when he wanted to go inside. He did so good.

Eli loves to announce he has a boo boo or ouchie. He will come over to me and I ask him if he wants me to kiss it and make it all better. He says yes, and I do, and he goes on about his business. The other day I was in the kitchen and he says "Oh no, oh no" and he's sticking his foot up as he walks. I asked him he hurt himself and if he wanted me to kiss it. He said yes, but instead, picked his foot up to his mouth and kissed his toes himself, while standing! It was hilarious!

The toddler bed is working out well. He stays in it most nights. I rearranged his monitor so he can't sneak into our room like a ninja anymore. I hear the door open loud and clear. I guess it's been almost two months now that he's been in his big boy bed.

He's getting really good at brushing his teeth. Goes back and forth and gets the top and bottom. I still follow up though, even though it's always a struggle. I praise him when he lets me brush them nicely.

His tantrums are getting better. Really there's no crying or screaming involved, just a quick throw down on the floor and he's over it. I have told him over and over that I don't like when he does that and then instead, showed him to growl like a lion or tiger, or dinosaur when he is mad. It has helped. I remind him when he does it and he'll start smiling and then start growling. By then, he's forgotten what the matter is he was upset about. I also praise him when he doesn't do it. That's the way to go. It's harder though, because you have to be conscious of their good behavior.

Nothing much else going on. We are going to the East Coast at the end of August which I am super excited about. Going to Boston and New Jersey. It will be a lot of travel and trying I'm sure, but a lot of fun too.

Getting soaked

Walking through puddles

Kissing Daddy

Kissing the froggie statue

Trying to kiss Charlie