Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Jack

We have a name for our baby boy, Jack Richard Oakley. I can't believe I'm almost in the 3rd trimester already! I'll be 27 weeks on Monday. I had my check up last week and everything is going well. I had my glucose screening and I passed (barely). My other blood work was normal too. Jack's heart rate was 150bpm. My blood pressure is great and so far I have gained 6 pounds. The doctor said I can expect to gain about a pound a week the last trimester. I know by this point with Eli I definitely had gained more. I have been eating much healthier this pregnancy. Not nearly as much fast food, junk food, sweets, etc this time around. I'm also "chasing" a toddler around :)
24 weeks pregnant
Eli blowing a raspberry on my belly. He does it to wake up Jack :) JR finally felt Jack move the day before Mother's Day. He's an active little guy; it seems he's always still when I want someone to feel him moving though. Eli still loves to lay his head on my tummy when he's sleepy so he gets kicks in his face by Jack sometimes. I'm not sure at what point my belly will be too big or it will be too uncomfortable for him to rest his head there anymore.