Monday, August 25, 2014

Eli's First Day of School

Eli started Kindergarten on August 13th,
2014.  He is going full day this year.  I think the thing I was most nervous about was lunch time!  Eli is very picky and I usually make him chicken and fries for lunch.  He's had to get used to peanut butter and jelly instead.  

Kindergarten Rocks!

I had a special breakfast of French toast waiting for Eli when he woke up.  I also decorated the kitchen as a special send off.  He loves it.  

Opening up a special first day of school present, skylanders watch!  I thought it's be nice for him to see the time while at school.  

The weather was decent enough for us to walk to school in the morning.  I dropped him off at the school playground.  His teachers name is Mrs. Brown. He gets to run with the big kids this year!  He played on the playground until the whistle blew and then all the kids stampeded to their lines.  It was so cute. I was a little sad to see him off.  I've never been away from him so long!!

We went for ice cream after school with Grandma.  It was a fun day!  So proud of our biggest boy :)

We hope you have a wonderful year Eli!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jack is 23 months!

Splashpad fun!

Jack is a busy boy.  Here are a few fun things about him:

Favorite toy:  vacuum cleaner.  He pushes this thing around all day.

Favorite food:  loves cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets.

Favorite fruit:  not big on fruit but loves purée fruit pouches

Favorite treat:  chocolate

Favorite shows:  peg plus cat, daniel tiger, and Sesame Street.

Favorite song:  1, 2, 3, 4 on Sesame Street, he sings along to it.  Also Turtle Rock from Signing Times.  

Playing ball at Eli's school playground

He loves to brush his teeth (himself).  He's getting better with me brushing them.   

He has become very aware of when he wets and dirties his diaper and will tell me.  

He is taking one nap a day.  Usually it's about two hours.  

He loves to play outside and recently went down the slide for the first time!  He is still a little cautious so I usually coax him and hold his hand and back a bit.  He still needs help with steps.  

He says more words now.  Kitty, No, good, two.  We have been practicing him holding up his fingers for his birthday coming up.

Surprisingly, we are still nursing.  I did not plan to go this long.  When I quit with Eli, he had been eating solids for so long beforehand.  Since Jack didn't take to solid food until after his 1st birthday, I wasn't in a hurry to wean him.  Now that he is almost two, I'm still not sure when that time will come.  Some days I'm  ready for it to end, but most days I'm fine with it and I know he is.  It's mostly at nap and nighttime, but it's also a comfort to him when he is tired, cranky, hurt, or I've been away for a few hours.   I was so grateful to offer that comfort to him after his dental procedure.  It's also nice knowing he is getting a little extra on the days that he doesn't eat much (for whatever reason).  There are lots of benefits.  We are just taking it day by day for now.

Watching big brother fish at the pond

Playing at dynamo gym

Sleepy baby

Messy hair, don't care :)

Jack's 1st Haircut

Eli got his haircut last week.  I decided to see if Jack would sit for a haircut.  We tried a few months ago and Jack wouldn't stop crying so I didn't push it.  I usually just give him little trims.  

We put the music on for him and blew him some bubbles.  He cried a few tears but not bad at all.  He even smiled a few times!  

The first picture, with tears :(

There's a smile!  What a big boy :). 

We were so proud of him and he looks very handsome.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jack's Dentist Appt

A couple months ago I was brushing Jack's teeth and noticed two cavities.  I called to make him an appointment shortly afterwards at an Edmond Pediatric Dentist.  We went for the appointment and the dentist confirmed the cavities.  Unfortunately, they were really bad and he told us by the time he cleaned out all the decay, there wouldn't be much tooth left.  He would need crowns.  

The way they do crowns on children is under anesthesia.  This made me a little nervous but they say it's so safe nowadays.  The dentist wanted to wait until Jack was 2, but he also told me that one of teeth looked really bad and if we waited too long it could absess and he would lose the tooth completely.  We decided to schedule right away.

The night before the appointment Jack couldn't eat or drink.  He woke up in the night (1:30am) thirsty for a drink and I couldn't offer him anything.  This made him really mad and he didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night.  We watched tv and played with toys to pass the time; we even went for a walk at sunrise!  Finally it was time to go to the appt.  Annice came with me and JR stayed home with Eli.  

When we got to the appt, both the dentist and the anesthiologist talked over the procedure.  The nurse took jack back and got his weight, he cried right away.  He knew what was behind the door, smart boy.  He came back to my arms and then it was time to go to the procedure room.  He sat on my lap, facing away from me, and the nurse came around from behind me to put the mask on Jacks face.  Of course he didn't like this.  He cried but it only took about 6 breaths and he fell asleep.  They took him from me and laid him on the table.  He was breathing, almost snorting, really oddly which they said was normal.  So weird to see him like that.  I had to leave the room after that.  They came out to tell
us how he was doing halfway through the procedure.  Everything went wonderfully.  They did find two other small cavities and filled them.  

When they were about to bring him to the recovery room, they called us back.  We waited for him for a few minutes and then they laid him on the bed.  He slept for almost an hour while the medicine wore off and we had to wait for him to wake up before we could leave.  They tried to offer him a Popsicle but he didn't want it until after we got in the car.   We also stopped by Sonic and got him a yummy slushie (they recommended it for the cold).  He was a little crabby and wobbly after the procedure.  By the afternoon and after a nice nap, he was doing much better.

He is all back to normal now.  Prior to the appointment, he constantly had his hands crammed in his mouth.  Those four cavities were causing him so much pain because afterwards, nothing.  No more hands in his mouth.  The dentist had told us that the nerves were very inflamed and he had to put antibiotics in one of the nerve canals.  He said it was very good we came when we did.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Photos

We found a park that had these tunnels buried in the ground for the kids to climb in.  Reminded me of Super Mario Bros.

Enjoying some Popsicles 

At the splash park

On beautiful nights we've walked to the school playground.  Jack loves the wagon.  

Another park we hadn't been to in awhile.  Jack loved the bridge

Eli has been to a couple of Lowes building clinics.  He was finishing up the How to Train Your Dragon game.

We went to the fire station for a tour.  It's been a few years since we went.  Eli enjoyed it.

Holding the "dragon slayer".  Okay that made me nervous.  

Monday, May 26, 2014

Eli is a Kindergartener!!

School is out!!  Eli's last day of school was on Friday May 23rd.  His pre-k class did not have an official graduation but instead had a fun day outside on the playground on Thursday the 22nd.   Jack and I joined him at school and watched him play with his friends.  We went inside the class afterwards and teacher called each students name and handed them their binder of schoolwork and diploma/report card.  Then they had some cookies and drinks.  It was cute.

Eli and his good buddy Graham playing at school

Eli and Mrs. Blevins

I surprised Eli with decorations celebrating his last day of school!

He got a new bubble gun for summer.

On Friday, we surprised Eli by picking him up (JR and I) and took him to lunch.  We went to the Cheesecake Factory and had a nice lunch with dessert.  After that we went to the mall and let Eli pick out a new Lego set at the Lego store.  We also got him the Lego Movie.  It was a really fun afternoon.  Grandma watched Jack while we did all this.  We stopped at Whole Foods on the way home and stocked up on grilling supplies (meat and meat) for JR's vacation this week.

Ice cream!

Jack is 21 Months

I didn't post for Jack's 20 months but he's learned a few new things since then. He says Mama and Dada regularly now. He doesn't have a name for Eli yet but hopefully soon. He says boo boo, no, uh huh, uh oh, bubbles, bye, ball, more, tickle, and hi. He makes some sounds for animals, moo for cow, baa for sheep, grrr for dinosaur and tiger/lion. 

Enjoying playing in the rain!

He is getting fast and almost starting to run. He still needs a lot of help getting up and down steps. He just discovered that he can climb onto Eli's step stool and then stand up at the sink. He can also climb up onto some chairs. 

  At school for Eli's graduation 

He loves to push things. He favorite is probably his lawnmower but he also has a shopping cart, vacuum, golf club, my mop and broom, the stroller and his cozy coupe. He is getting good with his puzzles.

Getting tickled by brother.

His favorite show on TV is Daniel Tiger and Peg plus Cat.

He still eats pretty good. I try to give him what we are eating. Last night I made pulled pork and he ate that for dinner. I put the same stuff on his plate over and over even if he doesn't try it. I figure he will eventually. I recently gave Jack some yogurt to try and gave him some ice cream. He doesn't seem to be having any bad effects from it anymore but I am keeping a close eye on his digestion just in case. He loves those squeeze yogurt pouches that brother eats.

Helping mommy at target push the stroller.

He loves to give really good hugs. Sometimes squeezes too. He really is a mama's boy, but he loves when daddy gets home from work and runs to the door to hug him and get picked up. Sometimes he gives Eli hugs but for some reason he doesn't always like it. Eli really wants to love on Jack more than Jack lets him. Eli will try to give him a hug or kiss and jack will hit him or pinch him if he is not in the mood. 

  Playing with his car while waiting for Eli to get out of school.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a great Easter this year.  I made ham and potatoes and Annice came over.  I put together an egg hunt for Eli with clues and his basket was at the end.  He read all the clues and kept telling me how easy it was to find them (I'll have to step up my game next year!).  Here are some pictures

Pre-k egg hunt

Jacks 1st egg hunt!!

Got one!

Reading clues!

Some of his clues made him do push-ups, jumping jacks, and dancing :)

Enjoying the new bubble machine he got for Easter.

Jack got a new toy dump truck for Easter.