Thursday, April 29, 2010

A year and a half old!

I was putting off this post until Eli's doctor appointment so I can have more news to share. He had his 18 month check up this month. He's getting so big 25lbs 10ozs, and 34 inches tall. In comparison, JR was 28lbs and 34inches at 12 months old! Eli is a few pounds and inches behind, so he'll probably be a little shorter than JR as an adult. The appointment went well. The doctor said he is acting like a normal 18 month old. He won't go back until he's two. Wow, two years old soon, oh my. The time just goes too fast.

Eli's mood as been much improved since we started him on a regular diet of Miralax. Poor baby. The doctor said it's perfectly safe for him to take on a regular basis, as it is not absorbed into the body's system. Four of his molars have broken through and that pain seems to be subsiding. He currently has two of his eye teeth breaking through on top and one eye tooth on the bottom. I asked the doctor why his fourth bottom front tooth hasn't come through yet. She said it might just be late, or it could be possible he doesn't have one. She said that doesn't mean he won't have the adult bottom tooth though. We'll see. So he has 13 teeth!

What a smart boy I have. We started showing him a few sign language words. So far he can tell me he wants more of something. This morning he told me he wanted a drink. It just totally amazes me how quickly toddlers catch on to something. I started teaching him these signs in the hopes that he would use them instead of screaming at me from his highchair. He says some words but not too many yet.

Here's the list:
All done
Oh man
Uh oh
Ta da

Here's all his sounds:
Penguin (yes, he knows the sound for a penguin)
Rooster (this is his new favorite barn animal)

He currently loves toothpaste, and he is always asking me for more on his toothbrush (it's strawberry flavor). He even makes the sign for more, it's so cute. I have been having an easier time brushing his teeth lately. The way I do it? I pretend I am the Count from Sesame Street and talk like him while I brush and count his teeth. He loves it, and even asks me to brush again after I'm finished. How can I say no? It's like asking for trouble, almost like karma if I refuse to brush his teeth when he asks.

We have been trying to stay busy with our Moms club. Our playgroup went to the zoo together yesterday. We had a good time and the weather was nice. Eli enjoyed the zoo much more than last time. He did so well in his stroller and when I would let him out, he held my hand the whole time. I was really impressed with how good he did. We carpooled with my friend Michelle and both our kiddos passed out in the car on the way home. When we got to her house, I carried Eli out of her car while still in the car seat, got him into my car and buckled up, drove home, took him out of the car seat and put him in the crib and he stayed asleep the whole time! Amazing! He must have been exhausted.

Whenever we play in the yard, Eli loves digging in the dirt with his shovels. He also loves running over to the neighbors yard and seeing their dog, Sammy. He always waves hello and says "Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi". It's so stinking cute.

Eli and I are preparing for our trip to Arizona in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing our family again and my brother's graduation.

Eli is starting to chase Charlie around the house, like really chase him. He's so fast and he laughs and laughs while he's chasing him. He is pretty gentle when it comes to petting him, but I still have to remind him. He also loves playing peek-a-boo with us too. He closes his eyes, or he hides behind something and then slowly pops out.

He seems to be over his obsession with touching the stereo and TV buttons, but he's moved on to other bad behaviors. His favorite thing to do now is climb on the couch. Which wouldn't be so bad but he tries to go over the top, which is 4 feet above the ground. Unfortunately it got to be so bad that we had to start putting him in time-out. We set up our playpen in the living room and put him in it any time he doesn't listen. I will give him one warning and if he ignores me then I put him in there for one minute. I even set the timer. I think it's starting to work. For the most part he laughs at me, but I think he is starting to realize I mean business. I guess we just have to keep at it.

Time is going by so fast and I just have to say how much I love my little boy. He still loves to cuddle with me and loves to give me and daddy kisses. When he gets tired, he likes to lay on my belly with his cheek against my skin. It's so cute. He will even come into the kitchen sometimes and if he is sleepy, he will try and get to my belly by standing on his tip toes and rest his head there. Also, when he gives me and daddy hugs, he'll say "awww" and rest his head on our shoulder.

I literally could go on and on. I need to finish up this post though.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Run Mama Run

I have one week left to train for the Autism 5k that is next Saturday. I haven't ran in a race since December 2007, so I am hoping I can complete the whole thing. I have been training for this 5k since we got back from our trip to Arizona, which has almost been two months. And considering I was sick for a whole MONTH, I could really use one more month to feel comfortable with next weekend. But I'm gonna jump in anyway.

I headed out to run this morning. I love running in the morning much better than any other time of the day. I just feel as if I am not weighed down by the accumulation of food and beverages all throughout the day. And honestly if I am going to run in the afternoon, I really don't want to starve myself all day. Food really gives me side cramps and such when I run. I learned a few weekends ago it's not a good idea to have a few pieces of pizza and some cinnamon sticks and then try to run a few miles. Dragging my legs and feet! All while toting Eli in the stroller. Doesn't work. The morning of the race I plan on having a cup of coffee, a small piece of toast with peanut butter, and maybe a glass of orange juice. I'll be good to go!

I've managed to make it two and a half miles as of today in 25 minutes! That means I am way faster than I thought I was (which means I am definitely slowing down for race day). I still have to make it another .7 miles before the race. I might try tomorrow, we'll see how I feel.

I love running. It's so incredible when you get to the end. It definitely is physical, but I think it's very mental as well. I am constantly pushing myself farther and farther. Keep going, keep going, just past the mailbox, oh look at the birds, I love this song, wow their yard looks nice, etc, etc. It's just nice to escape from everything else and focus on breathing regularly and keeping one foot in front of the other. I was even thinking about my friend Heather today while I was running. She is training for a half marathon (13.1 miles for all you non-runners out there). She just ran a 10k today which is 6.2 miles. It's very inspiring and actually pushed me to run just a little bit more.
I would also like to run a half marathon by my 30th birthday, which is next August.

I'll let you all know how race day goes!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'll help you Mama!

There has been quite a lot of work around here lately. With Eli getting into more and more lately, it seems as soon as I clean up he's right behind me with another mess! Also, following a rough weekend and a husband out of town this week, I thought it was time to put Eli to work. Yep, I said it! I'm putting the kid to work, haha.

No really, I didn't start out today thinking "Eli's going to start doing chores today!" What happened was he was helping me vacuum (yes, it takes FOREVER when he helps me but he actually cries when I put away the vaccuum). After I finished his room, the guest room was next. The guest room is where we keep the cat food, water, and litter box and he is usually not allowed in there (we have a gate in the doorway). So I let him come in there with me today. Of course he headed straight for the cat food container. He had the cup of cat food in his hand, so I showed him how to put the cup of food into the cat bowl. He loved it! So he kept doing it over and over, but each time there were only a few little pebbles in each cup full. Since he loved it so much, I decided that I am going to make that his job everyday. To give them fresh food and water, with my help of course.

We had a busy day. He ended up helping me water the flowers outside, sweep the patio, take out the garbage, and pull some weeds.

I will post some photos of our day tomorrow. The computer with the pictures is about 15 feet farther from where I want to be right now, which is planted on the couch!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The song Old MacDonald Had a Farm is on constant repeat in the Oakley house. Eli loves this song! We have five different versions of the song, including one sung by the gang from Sesame Street. He really likes dancing to the music, but lately he loves singing to it. Starting this week, he sings along with the song. We have to sing it really slow at the E-I-E-I-O part, but he's got it all down. He even makes the animal sounds at that part of the song. It's so freakin' cute!

At night when I am rocking him to sleep, we usually sing this song. He yells E-I-E-I-O when I sing it, it's hilarious. He usually sings with me until his eyes get droopy and he falls asleep.

I really want to take him to a farm and found one about an hour from here that's looks pretty fun. I just think he would have such a great time. We'll have to take a weekend trip soon.

I have some video of him dancing along to the song that I will have to try and upload.

"Sit on your bottom"

This has become my phrase of the month. Over the last week, Eli has become a climbing machine. He can now climb onto the couch by himself. Now, you might be thinking that's no big deal, or maybe "my kid did that way before yours", but we have very tall couches and it's quite a feat to climb up them. I mean, the edge of the couch comes up to his chest! So, he's finally built up the strength to pull himself up onto the couch and every other chair in the house. For the first time last night, I caught him trying to climb onto the rolling kitchen chairs, yikes! I don't mind if he climbs, but my rule is, he has to sit on his bottom or he has to get down. Which is tough, cause I'll take him down and then he climbs right back up.

And then some things he tries to climb up are just pure lunacy. Like the island in the kitchen, whose edge juts out over the shelf he steps onto. So when he climbs up it, he's almost at a 45 degree angle hanging right above the ceramic tile floor. It's a scary enough scene to practically stop my heart when I find him doing that.

I have to keep in mind (all the time) that even though I tell him something a million times, I am going to have to tell him a million times more before he gets it. Which can be one of the most frustrating things about parenting, and I'm sure causes many people to give up teaching their children discipline.