Thursday Morning, Eli and I were on our way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I was about 20 steps behind him when I heard him say "Ouch". When I saw him in the kitchen he was holding his neck and starting to get upset. At first I didn't think he really bumped it too hard. I picked him up and he asked me for a band-aid. I told him that wouldn't help but I would do it if he wanted. I told him the best thing would be an ice pack and he agreed. We sat on the couch with the ice pack and watched an episode of Thomas. After the episode was over (30 mins), I tried to move his neck to check it out and he cried in pain. I could see the muscles in his neck spasming. I was actually worried enough to call the doctor and left a message.
We laid on the couch for awhile and I heard Eli's tummy growling. We still hadn't' eaten breakfast yet so I tried to lay him down on the couch. He cried and cried. I tried to carry him in the kitchen to make the toast with me, but he's so stinkin' heavy it was really hard (unlike when he was a newborn--I could hold him and do anything). So I went back to the couch and laid him down against his will. He cried for a few minutes but then I went to get the toast.
Waiting for his breakfastHe laid on the couch and ate his toast and drank some juice. After a few hours he still didn't want to move. I scooped him up on my lap and he cried for a few minutes before falling to sleep. The doctors office finally called me back and said we should come in. JR was on his way home to help me with Eli since there was no way I could do it on my own. After he woke up, we took him to the doctor.
She examined Eli. It was the most pain I have ever heard him in. It was horrible to see him in so much pain. She moved his neck, felt around on his collarbone, he cried and cried. After a few minutes, he started to get mad. He may never want to see her again. I don't blame him.
She said he had traumatic torticollis. Basically, he twisted his neck (and along with that came muscle spasms). All she said we could do was ice it, advil, and tylenol. After we got home from the doctor, we sat back on the couch. There was a lot of crying anytime he had to move. I just carried him from place to place that night.
Icing his neck after seeing the doctorFriday morning we woke up and he was still feeling the same. He laid in bed and played games, watched videos, and read stories. We ate some breakfast and did more sitting around. I felt so bad for him cause I knew he was bored, but it was so painful for him to move I don't think he minded. Around lunch time, I tried to get him to sit up some without me helping him and he cried so bad. And, here's the thing about Eli, he doesn't really cry. So I knew it really hurt him.
Daddy brought home a special new toy for Eli on Friday afternoon. Something he's been wanting for quite some time (we knew it would cheer him up and give him something to do on the couch). After dinner I went to the grocery store. I'd kinda been stuck at home and we were running out of essentials. On Eli's way to bed, I decided to try and make him walk. He protested of course, but he wasn't crying nearly as much as he had been the day before, so I thought he was getting better. He held my hand and daddy's hand and we made it all the way to his bedroom. He was saying ouch the whole way but not crying. It was the first steps he had taken in 36 hours. We were so proud he tried.
Playing with Mommy's laptopOn Saturday morning, he didn't want to get out of bed. I gave him breakfast in bed and let him lay there for awhile. Daddy was out cutting the lawn. Finally I told Eli it was time to go to the couch for a change of scenery. I sat him up on the bed and moved to the floor with him. I stood him up and we walked into the living room together. He cried for about the first 5 mins, then just pouted a bit. We looked at Daddy out the window and Eli was happy to see him and daddy was happy to see Eli walking! I asked Eli what he wanted to do and he said go outside and see Daddy. So we walked holding hands. WIthin 15 mins of getting out of bed, he was walking without me. We went inside and Eli wanted to play with his trains. He said ouch a lot for the first half hour but he never cried again. Hooray!
Eating breakfast in bedHis neck is just a tiny bit stiff but he is mostly back to normal. After he finally started walking around he kept saying "It feels good to get these little leggies moving." Or he would say "Look, I'm walking!". Oh it was so great to see him play again.
Eli playing for the first time in two days!