This morning didn't start out so well. Not by any fault of Eli, but by Mommy. It was a late night with Eli and I ended up falling asleep before I could finish the laundry. So when he woke up, I didnt have any training pants ready and waiting. Then last night, I realized I only had one diaper left for the morning so we also had to make a trip to the store.
Now at this point you might be thinking how incredibly unorganized I am. Don't worry, so am I. I usually have my diapers shipped to me from Amazon and I also have a back up pack in case I run out. Well when the diapers ship over the weekend they take longer therefore I ran out of my back up. When I got home from the store, (with the diapers) my diapers from Amazon were waiting on the front porch :). Oh well. I needed more training pants anyway cause 7 pairs are just not enough! Now we 13 pairs. And I wont have to do any laundry tonight.
So after Eli woke up from his nap, we had dinner and he was playing at the table with playdough (wearing a diaper). I was finishing up the dishes when he came over to me with his diaper. He has been so helpful* lately with changing his diaper for me. So I figured we'd get in at least a few hours of wearing training pants so the whole day was not a loss. We put on the Old MacDonald ones. He requested them. I asked him if he had to go pee pee, and when he said no I reminded him that he was not wearing a diaper. We went into the bathroom to at least try about every 20-30 mins. We were approaching almost two hours without any pee pee so I knew an accident would happen soon if we didn't do it.
I've been luring him in there on and off with the promise of M&M's. This may backfire but for now I'm using this method. While he was sitting on the potty, I went to the kitchen to get some candy and when I came back he had a weird look on his face. I sat on the toilet across from him and hear his tinkeling! I screamed "you're going pee pee Eli". I was so excited!!! I almost missed his first time going. He started after I left. We called Daddy in to see and made a big tada out of it. We poured the pee pee in the big potty and Eli got to flush it down. I'm so encouraged for Day 3!!
*Insert sarcasm here
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 1 of Potty Training

I placed Eli in front of the TV cause I thought that might keep him still but towards the end of the day I moved him back to the bathroom
Seven accidents and no pee pee on the potty on Day 1 of potty training. Looks like I'll be doing laundry tonight cause Eli blew through all seven pairs of training pants, haha. I guess I'll buy more. On the positive side, he's learned how to pull down his pants and he's beginning to run to the bathroom as soon as he starts to go, although it's always been too late. I'm still encouraged for tomorrow! I think we might have some progress, at least some pee pee on the potty hopefully!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Let The Potty Training Commense
T minus 5 days until the start of potty training. I'm getting excited because I actually think he's ready. He's been:
Excited about his big boy undies
Telling me when he goes pee pee and poo poo
Loves reading his potty book
Saying yes when I ask him if he wants to start going on the potty
The last few days he's been taking off his diapers (pee pee ones) and bringing them to me. Okay this one is not fun but a sure sign he's ready.
He wants to be changed as soon as he goes and willingly lays down for me. That's a big one!
I ordered him some training pants through Amazon. One pair was relatively expensive ($15) but they are so cute. The other ones are from Gerber and they were 3 pair for $9.99.

Farm Animals will be a hit with Eli!

Elmo says "You did it" in different languages :)
He's already got his potty. For over a year we've had the thing. He just wasn't ready yet.
I also ordered some new books related to potty and some things to keep him occupied for our many trips to the bathroom. This boy can hardly stay still for 5 seconds on the potty, or anywhere really, so I'm thinking this is going to be my only challenge as far as being emotionally ready.

Both books are highly rated and Eli is looking forward to his "poop" book to come in the mail. He's such a boy.

I'll let you know how our first day goes (Tuesday).
Excited about his big boy undies
Telling me when he goes pee pee and poo poo
Loves reading his potty book
Saying yes when I ask him if he wants to start going on the potty
The last few days he's been taking off his diapers (pee pee ones) and bringing them to me. Okay this one is not fun but a sure sign he's ready.
He wants to be changed as soon as he goes and willingly lays down for me. That's a big one!
I ordered him some training pants through Amazon. One pair was relatively expensive ($15) but they are so cute. The other ones are from Gerber and they were 3 pair for $9.99.

Farm Animals will be a hit with Eli!

Elmo says "You did it" in different languages :)
He's already got his potty. For over a year we've had the thing. He just wasn't ready yet.
I also ordered some new books related to potty and some things to keep him occupied for our many trips to the bathroom. This boy can hardly stay still for 5 seconds on the potty, or anywhere really, so I'm thinking this is going to be my only challenge as far as being emotionally ready.

Both books are highly rated and Eli is looking forward to his "poop" book to come in the mail. He's such a boy.

I'll let you know how our first day goes (Tuesday).
Friday, June 10, 2011
32 Months Old

It's been so long since I wrote about Eli I think I'll just start off with his favorites.
Favorite show: He still really loves Thomas and Cat in the Hat, but he has gotten into Curious George lately. It's so cute because one of the charactors on the show is a little weiner dog named Hundley. Eli likes to walk around and wimper like Hundley, especially if he is sad about something. It's cute.
Favorite Book: The one he requests the most right now is The Digging-est Dog by Dr. Seuss. After that, it's pretty much any of the other Cat in the Hat books he has.
Favorite Game: Absolutely loves for me to run in circles with him in the livingroom. He'll ask me to put on his music and then we run and run and run.
Favorite Toy: Anything Thomas. He recently got motorized trackmaster Thomas. Yep, he's in the big leagues now :)
Favorite Song: Hmm, it's a toss up between ABC and Old MacDonald. He's really getting into farm animals again and really all animals.
Cutest Sayings: "Okay sure" "Wow, awesome" Today I overheard him saying "oh my gosh" while he was playing with his trains. He'll answer "Of course" when I ask him something. There's probably more cause I'm always cracking up when he talks but I can't think of them now.
He is speaking so well. Talks in full sentences all the time. I was most recently impressed when I was spelling some words for him the other day and without any help, he was able to read the words: cat, cow, pig, and duck. He is so good with his letters and walks around the house saying "F is for Fish" and then says the phonetic for F. He does this for almost all the letters. So proud of my little guy :) He's very good with his numbers too and can count to 13 and then all the teens kinda start to sound the same. I think he thinks he's saying different numbers, but he says the same word over and over. It's so cute.
I am planning to start potty training within the next couple weeks. He tells me when he is going pee pee (in his diaper) and I already know when he is pooping :) He is very aware and I think it's time. We'll probably stick around the house for a week or so. I'll let you know how that goes. And wish me luck.
I'm Back!
My medal for completing the Oklahoma City Half Marathon in 2hrs 50something minutes :)
I'm back on blogger. A few reasons. First and most importantly, they are discontinuing iWeb (the blog I use now). Second, I hadn't planned on paying for it again anyway and wanted to come back to blogger. It's free! And third? Well, I missed the simplicity of blogger. So here I am.
I haven't blogged in awhile. I guess another downside of iWeb was I can only use it in the office and quite honestly, I like to plop my butt down on the couch whilst I type. Usually while watching a movie and simultaneously checking Facebook. What can I say? I'm a multitasker :) So I'm using JR's piece of junk laptop from work to type out this post. And seriously it took about 10 mins to boot it up, 5 minutes to even be able to enter blogger in the search engine. Oh well, it's a laptop and it's allowing me to plop my butt on the couch and type. I'll take it.
So some of the things that have been keeping me away from blogging are coming to an end. We recently held elections for my MOMS Club and I will not be working on our activities calendar anymore because I am now going to be in charge of Membership. I'm looking forward to the break and the challenge of something new. This will free up some time to work on the blog. That's good news for you I'm sure.
I am also dedicating a lot of my spare time to workouts for my next half-marathon in September. This one is at Lake Hefner, and besides the wind factor, I think it will be a great course. It's relatively flat. So I run a few times a week and also do yoga everyday when I wake up (at 5:30am). At least once a week, I try to do a cardio kickboxing workout as well. It can all be exhausting on top of chasing after Eli each day but the hard work is paying off, I've gained 5 pounds. Wait, what? Yeah, how does that happen? Not sure. Changed my diet (a tiny bit) and working out more. And don't give me that bit about "Well muscle weighs more than fat". No, it doesn't. Muscle just takes up less space than fat. So I guess I appear to be slimmer but I've actually gained weight. Eh, whatever.
So, now you're all caught up...on me at least. Eli is next.
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