Wow. I can't believe how fast time is going by. I've been thinking about planning Jack's first birthday party and that is just unbelievable to me. Here are some things that Jack has been up to at 10 months:
*Finally crawling!! Up until last week he was mostly dragging himself all over the house. He still does occasionally but he is crawling 90% of the time.
*He has mastered sitting up from the crawling position. This is presenting whole new opportunities for him. He can crawl to an area, sit up, and then explore whatever is at that level. He can play with toys that are on the train table now.
*He loves the cats. Peeks around us when we are holding him if the cats walk by. Charlie is pretty tolerant of Jack's "petting" but we monitor very closely (he mostly just hits Charlie and pulls his hair so pet sessions don't last long).
*Loves to play peek-a-boo. He puts the blanket over his face and waits for us to say "Where's Jack?".
*Loves his big brother. We spend time on the floor playing and Jack loves to crawl all over everyone.
*Jack is quite the expressionist. He makes the saddest, most pitiful pouty face you've ever seen. He gets very upset when you take something from him he shouldn't have or keep him from something he wants. Always cries with real tears.
*Jack has 4 teeth! Two middle top teeth and two middle bottom teeth. I believe he is getting 4-6 more right now.
*He was 24lbs 8oz at his 9 month check up and 29 3/4 in long. He wears size 24 months clothing and size 5 diapers.
*He isn't really a fan of baby food so he is still exclusively nursing at 10 months. We give food a try once or twice a week. He will eat a couple of bites and then he's done. He does really like frozen or fresh fruit in his mesh teething bag.