Monday, May 26, 2014

Eli is a Kindergartener!!

School is out!!  Eli's last day of school was on Friday May 23rd.  His pre-k class did not have an official graduation but instead had a fun day outside on the playground on Thursday the 22nd.   Jack and I joined him at school and watched him play with his friends.  We went inside the class afterwards and teacher called each students name and handed them their binder of schoolwork and diploma/report card.  Then they had some cookies and drinks.  It was cute.

Eli and his good buddy Graham playing at school

Eli and Mrs. Blevins

I surprised Eli with decorations celebrating his last day of school!

He got a new bubble gun for summer.

On Friday, we surprised Eli by picking him up (JR and I) and took him to lunch.  We went to the Cheesecake Factory and had a nice lunch with dessert.  After that we went to the mall and let Eli pick out a new Lego set at the Lego store.  We also got him the Lego Movie.  It was a really fun afternoon.  Grandma watched Jack while we did all this.  We stopped at Whole Foods on the way home and stocked up on grilling supplies (meat and meat) for JR's vacation this week.

Ice cream!

Jack is 21 Months

I didn't post for Jack's 20 months but he's learned a few new things since then. He says Mama and Dada regularly now. He doesn't have a name for Eli yet but hopefully soon. He says boo boo, no, uh huh, uh oh, bubbles, bye, ball, more, tickle, and hi. He makes some sounds for animals, moo for cow, baa for sheep, grrr for dinosaur and tiger/lion. 

Enjoying playing in the rain!

He is getting fast and almost starting to run. He still needs a lot of help getting up and down steps. He just discovered that he can climb onto Eli's step stool and then stand up at the sink. He can also climb up onto some chairs. 

  At school for Eli's graduation 

He loves to push things. He favorite is probably his lawnmower but he also has a shopping cart, vacuum, golf club, my mop and broom, the stroller and his cozy coupe. He is getting good with his puzzles.

Getting tickled by brother.

His favorite show on TV is Daniel Tiger and Peg plus Cat.

He still eats pretty good. I try to give him what we are eating. Last night I made pulled pork and he ate that for dinner. I put the same stuff on his plate over and over even if he doesn't try it. I figure he will eventually. I recently gave Jack some yogurt to try and gave him some ice cream. He doesn't seem to be having any bad effects from it anymore but I am keeping a close eye on his digestion just in case. He loves those squeeze yogurt pouches that brother eats.

Helping mommy at target push the stroller.

He loves to give really good hugs. Sometimes squeezes too. He really is a mama's boy, but he loves when daddy gets home from work and runs to the door to hug him and get picked up. Sometimes he gives Eli hugs but for some reason he doesn't always like it. Eli really wants to love on Jack more than Jack lets him. Eli will try to give him a hug or kiss and jack will hit him or pinch him if he is not in the mood. 

  Playing with his car while waiting for Eli to get out of school.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a great Easter this year.  I made ham and potatoes and Annice came over.  I put together an egg hunt for Eli with clues and his basket was at the end.  He read all the clues and kept telling me how easy it was to find them (I'll have to step up my game next year!).  Here are some pictures

Pre-k egg hunt

Jacks 1st egg hunt!!

Got one!

Reading clues!

Some of his clues made him do push-ups, jumping jacks, and dancing :)

Enjoying the new bubble machine he got for Easter.

Jack got a new toy dump truck for Easter.  

May Happenings

Brotherly Love.  Jack saw Eli sleeping in the morning and crawled over to lay on his pillow...melted my heart

Booty shaking shadow dancing ;)

Eli has really gotten into Basketball games and watching the Thunder play.  We stayed up late to watch the game one night.

Jack stacked and unstacked baskets at the dollar store one day for about 10 mins straight.  

Another moment of adorable.  Even Eli said "isn't this adorable mommy?".

My Mother's Day foot massage courtesy Eli!

Mother's Day