Today started out as a normal day. What's normal you ask? Eli woke up at 7:00, we came in the living room and I turned on Sesame Street. He has just started to like this show, like TV for that matter. This gives me roughly an hour to wake myself up, make a cup of coffee, make my toast and share some with Eli, and just wake up. Like I said.
After the show, I ask him if he wants cereal. He runs to the pantry. I usually mix the oatmeal with either applesauce and cinnamon, or some yogurt. He usually gets some fresh strawberries or bananas or both. Today I soaked some graham crackers in some milk and then put them on his tray table, gobbled them up! He even says Mmmm, as he is eating! I laugh every time!
Other times he says Mmmm:
*When I have the oven on, he stands at the window and points to whatever is in there and says Mmmm
*When I am standing at the stove cooking
*He was carrying around an unopened can of diet coke today, pretending he was drinking it, and saying Mmmm.
I am sure there are other times, but I can't remember right now...:)
Here's a few pictures of him saying mmm as he's eating!
So after breakfast we get cleaned up, changed out of jammies, brush teeth/hair, and then jet off to wherever we need to be, or just hang out at home. It generally takes us 30 minutes for both of us to get ready if neither of us needs a bath/shower. This includes gathering up a drink for me and him, at least one snack for him and me, a pacifier for him, a few toys, my phone, my wallet,etc. I have a big, huge, bag that always weighs as much as Eli.
Today I wanted to get my oil changed. Eli fell asleep in the car on the way there. He got to sleep a little longer because I passed the street I needed to go down by a few miles (that's one way). They couldn't change my oil so we ended up going to the park instead. We went on the swings for a little while. I started playing a game with him on the swings, pretending he was hitting me when he would swing forward, or kissing his face when he would get close enough. He was cracking up! A baby's laughter is the best sound in the whole world. I could listen to that all day. We went down the slides a few times, he was on my lap. One time I hit his head (woops!) on the top before we went down. He didn't even seem to notice.
Naps are becoming very interesting with him. Today he hardly slept for an hour total. Needless to say he was pretty cranky most the day and cried a lot. He has already started to throw fits like when it is time to get him dressed, he actually runs away from me! He goes behind the rocking chair, or goes in the corner by his crib! Yes, he just turned 13 months. I can't believe he does this already. Then later that day, I was trying to cheer him up so we were going to play outside. I needed him to sit on my lap so I could get his shoes on, and he got mad and whacked me on the side of face with his head (not on purpose, he was thrashing about). This caused me to yell out (cause it hurt!) and he got scared and started crying louder! Gesh!
Dinner time was hilarious. He was pretending to feed me with his spoon, and I was making all these disgusting faces (well it was a little disgusting...the spoon had cottage cheese, sloppy joes, applesauce, and ketchup remnents on it) and he was laughing so hard, which had me laughing so hard, and JR! We did this for about 15 minutes and then I gave up.
Then time for bath, brush teeth, jammies, storytime, and off to dreamland!
I don't think all of my posts will be this long. It's just my first one so I have to make it count! Goodnight!
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