The song Old MacDonald Had a Farm is on constant repeat in the Oakley house. Eli loves this song! We have five different versions of the song, including one sung by the gang from Sesame Street. He really likes dancing to the music, but lately he loves singing to it. Starting this week, he sings along with the song. We have to sing it really slow at the E-I-E-I-O part, but he's got it all down. He even makes the animal sounds at that part of the song. It's so freakin' cute!
At night when I am rocking him to sleep, we usually sing this song. He yells E-I-E-I-O when I sing it, it's hilarious. He usually sings with me until his eyes get droopy and he falls asleep.
I really want to take him to a farm and found one about an hour from here that's looks pretty fun. I just think he would have such a great time. We'll have to take a weekend trip soon.
I have some video of him dancing along to the song that I will have to try and upload.
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