It's been a long time since I've talked about what Eli has been up to. Here are some of his favorite things to date:
Favorite Game: Angry Birds
Favorite Angry Bird: The Eagle
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Phases: Too bad, I want, No, You have to!
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon
Favorite Snack: Cookies
Favorite thing to do with mommy: Cook
Favorite thing to do with daddy: Clean Up (he has told me all these answers himself)
Favorite cat: Hump a lump (don't ask)
Favorite thing to play outside: Play ball
Favorite TV Show: He answered Thomas but we haven't watched that in months. He watches Caillou everyday on PBS.
Eli has been potty training for two months. He does very well with pee pee, but we haven't been successful with poop yet. He wears undies all day and goes pee pee standing up on the big potty. If he has to poop, he asks me for a diaper. I encourage him to use the potty and he has tried a few times but still hasn't. Every time Eli goes on the potty he gets a sticker. When he gets so many stickers he gets a reward (usually a game on the iPad.) I guess we'll keep this up until he is out of diapers. He is very good at staying dry during the day and at night (he hasn't had a wet diaper overnight since we've started training).

His 1st Potty Chart completed!!
Eli is no longer napping. Back in October we started phasing them out. He was grumpy at first. I loved his nap time but he was napping for two hours each day and not falling asleep until about 10 or 11 at night some nights. I just decided I'd rather skip the nap and have him go to bed early. This worked out well until I became pregnant and I really want to nap every day, haha. I also don't stay up much later after he goes to bed because I'm so tired. I am no longer willing to sacrifice my sleep to surf the web, read a book, or work on crafts. Every once and a while he'll take a nap.

You bet I was jumping for joy :)
As far as his behavior goes, I guess he's a typical 3yr old. He has a really hard time when we tell him no. He raises his voice and yells at us quite often. Sometimes his attitude really stinks but we are working on it. He's sweet when he wants to be and most days I think he's turning out to be a very good boy. We have been trying to stop him from interrupting conversations and he occasionally remembers by saying "Mommy can I say something?". He has started the bad habit of hitting and that gets him in time out and a consequence.
On a happy note, Eli is excited to become a big brother. We talk about the baby almost everyday. He's become very interested in babies and always smiles and waves at them. It's very cute. He says he wants a baby sister...this week :)