Monday, March 26, 2012

Blogging once again

I've been meaning to catch up on the blog but considering I am almost 6 months behind, the task seems too daunting to pick up where I left off. So, I start from today and I'm including a few pictures from this month and last; I'll try to do my best from now on.

Eli had his first dental cleaning in February. He did AMAZING! The dentist is always impressed with how well he does; makes me so proud. He did have to go back for a small filling. The dentist thinks he might have actually ground a hole in his tooth. We are considering getting a mouth guard for him, but are waiting for now.

All Smiles!

Getting his fluoride!

We took Eli to his very first monster truck show in Februaury (my 1st as a matter of fact). He thought it was cool. We all got bored after about an hour. He liked wearing his headphones. It was VERY loud!

Waiting for the show to start

Enjoying a ring pop!

We have been enjoying a very warm winter this year. Eli and I decided to start an herb garden, from a container. He really wanted to plant carrots in there but I told him that wouldn't work.

We walked to the pond in our neighborhood one day during the week and had a picnic. The weather was beautiful, albeit very windy.

We haven't been up to much lately. I am finally starting to have more energy since I'm in the 2nd trimester now. I look forward to doing more activities with Eli over the next few months before I'll likely slow down again.

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