Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's a .......!

Today we had our ultrasound to find out if the baby is growing on schedule (and the gender of course). It's a boy!!! We are excited that Eli is going to have a baby brother; that's what he wanted. We also saved all his old clothes and toys so we'll be able to use those again too, a significant savings :)

We're excited to start thinking of names. I plan on getting the clothes down from the attic soon and sorting through what we can use.

The ultrasound seemed to go just fine. Eli could not stop talking about the goo that was on my belly. He didn't even seem to care about seeing the baby on TV, he was very into the goo. I know they'll share the results with the doctor and they will go over the results with me at my next appointment. She did say the baby is measuring a week ahead but she's not sure if they will change my due date. She did say if the baby continues to grow on the larger size, they might do another ultrasound towards the end to make sure everything is okay.

We got a CD with pictures on it and we were anxious to get home and look at them and send them out to our family. Unfortunately, the CD was blank :( The ultrasound technician mentioned that it happens sometimes and not to worry if it did. I will call them in the morning and let them know we don't have any pictures to see. He was very photogenic though so there should be some good ones :)

1 comment:

Heather and Josh said...

Congratulations Sami! Aaron was photogenic too, he was doing the wide splits so we could see his gender ;) there really is a lot of pros with having two of the same gender!