Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jack's Birth Day Story

Like I did with Eli, I'd like to share the story of Jack's arrival (to the best of my sleep deprived memory).

My pregnancy with Jack was different than with Eli.  I had contractions early on with Jack (the practice ones!).  I wondered how things would happen this time around.  I started having real contractions about 3 days before Jack arrived.  They weren't regular at all but they were waking me up at night.

The day before Jack was born (Saturday), we were walking around Whole Foods and I remember I would have to stop and breathe through the contractions.  Later on that night they were really picking up in frequency and getting stronger so I called Labor and Delivery and asked them at what point should I come in.  They said two-three mins apart for about an hour.  They were about 5-10 mins at that point.  Inconsistent.  

We had a little storm that night so I was glad we didn't have to leave during that.  I put Eli to bed (pausing during contractions while reading his bedtime story, haha).  I told him it was possible we might not be there in the morning but Jodie (our neighbor) would be there.  

Around 2am Sunday morning the contractions woke me up.  I started timing them.  They were very intense and getting closer together.  After about 45 mins or so I woke JR up and told him it was time to go.  I called Jodie (she was on standby) and she came over.  We headed to the hospital around 4am.  

They checked me out to make sure I was really in labor...uh yep.  My recollection of all the details aren't as clear as they were with Eli.  Everything went pretty smoothly, got my epidural.  They gave me a little bit of pitocin just to kick things off and that's all it took.  

The monitor was sounding off at the nurses station so the doctor came in to check it.  She checked my progress and said "oh dear, don't move or sneeze or laugh, this baby is almost out".  She rushed out really fast and came back with a team of people who started working really fast. Jack was born fast at 10:44am at 8lbs 21inches.

He didn't breathe right away and was really purple, that is my first memory of him.  They suctioned him and he started to cry finally but he got one point off of his Apgar score for his color at birth.  He didn't have any issues after that.  

We got some photos, foot prints and all cleaned up and we got to enjoy our time together.  After awhile JR went home to get Eli to meet his baby brother. He was so excited.  They stayed for awhile, opened his big brother present and then it was time for them to go.  That was a little sad because it was my first time ever being away from Eli overnight.

Seeing his baby brother for the first time!

I went with Jack to get his first bath after JR and Eli left.  I didn't sleep hardly a wink in the hospital. I finally fell asleep at one point and a nurse came in to draw my blood, at 5am!!  They took him to the nursery so I could get a nap but he cried right away so they brought him back.  I couldn't wait to go home and I was able to leave a day early. JR and Eli came to pick us up and we loaded Jack in the car.  It was so good to go home.

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