Monday, October 14, 2013

Eli's 1st Parent Teacher Conference

A picture outside of the classroom that Eli painted.

Just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about Eli and how proud we are of him!  JR and I went to his parent teacher conference today.  His teacher Mrs. Blevins started off by saying that his assessment went great.  He knows all his letters and numbers.  

She also asked how long he has been reading for.  Eli has recognized words for a long time but since school has started he's been really interested in reading.  At school they have the book "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?".  We were in target and saw it and he read the whole book to me there.  I got him a couple of easy readers.  He read me "Pete the cats big lunch" the other night.  It's so fun to see him read!!  She told us she was reading a book to the class the other day and she decided to skip a sentence because she didn't think they'd understand it.  He realized that she skipped it and called her out, haha.  She said "wow, you noticed that huh?".  

She said in class he is a leader, loves to do things right, he is always shouting out the answers right away (sometimes before she even finishes the sentence!).  Academically he is doing awesome, he just has to learn how to raise his hand, give others a chance to answer, etc.  Such a fine line because you want them to be involved but Eli does it Jeopardy style (JR's words, haha).  

She said he's great with his friends, plays in every area of the class (as opposed to just sticking to the trains, or dinosaurs). She said he's a bit of a class clown.  He laughs really grand and all the other kids get going which is fun sometimes but again...he has to learn when it's appropriate.  The only other thing he needs work on is his fine motor skills.  Holding the crayons, pencils, and cutting paper.  We are going to start practicing more.  

The teacher wrote to me a few weeks ago and told me that they've been working with him about tattling.  They only want him to come to them if someone is hurt, or in danger, etc.  They want them to learn to problem solve.  She said Eli is doing a lot better in the last couple weeks.  She can see him wanting to come to her and tattle, but then he will go back to his friend and say "hey I was playing with that" or whatever the problem was on his own.  I'm so proud of him.  I can imagine how challenging that must be for him to resist.

Wednesday is Fall break and we have plans to go to the Pumpkin Patch this week.  School is back in session on Monday.


Heather and Josh said...

Way to go Eli!! He hasn't been in school for too long but seems like he's really grown since being in there, which is awesome. The reading is exceptional! Even Nate isn't doing that yet. Enjoy the break!

The Oakley's said...

Thanks Heather! His teacher says he really likes to please her and do the right thing so she expects he will come around quickly. I was so happy to hear how well he is doing. He loves school.

nana said...

Wow he is doing great. Sorry so behind on the posts. Company left today so will be back to normal. Have been really busy the last few weeks.