Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jack's Dentist Appt

A couple months ago I was brushing Jack's teeth and noticed two cavities.  I called to make him an appointment shortly afterwards at an Edmond Pediatric Dentist.  We went for the appointment and the dentist confirmed the cavities.  Unfortunately, they were really bad and he told us by the time he cleaned out all the decay, there wouldn't be much tooth left.  He would need crowns.  

The way they do crowns on children is under anesthesia.  This made me a little nervous but they say it's so safe nowadays.  The dentist wanted to wait until Jack was 2, but he also told me that one of teeth looked really bad and if we waited too long it could absess and he would lose the tooth completely.  We decided to schedule right away.

The night before the appointment Jack couldn't eat or drink.  He woke up in the night (1:30am) thirsty for a drink and I couldn't offer him anything.  This made him really mad and he didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night.  We watched tv and played with toys to pass the time; we even went for a walk at sunrise!  Finally it was time to go to the appt.  Annice came with me and JR stayed home with Eli.  

When we got to the appt, both the dentist and the anesthiologist talked over the procedure.  The nurse took jack back and got his weight, he cried right away.  He knew what was behind the door, smart boy.  He came back to my arms and then it was time to go to the procedure room.  He sat on my lap, facing away from me, and the nurse came around from behind me to put the mask on Jacks face.  Of course he didn't like this.  He cried but it only took about 6 breaths and he fell asleep.  They took him from me and laid him on the table.  He was breathing, almost snorting, really oddly which they said was normal.  So weird to see him like that.  I had to leave the room after that.  They came out to tell
us how he was doing halfway through the procedure.  Everything went wonderfully.  They did find two other small cavities and filled them.  

When they were about to bring him to the recovery room, they called us back.  We waited for him for a few minutes and then they laid him on the bed.  He slept for almost an hour while the medicine wore off and we had to wait for him to wake up before we could leave.  They tried to offer him a Popsicle but he didn't want it until after we got in the car.   We also stopped by Sonic and got him a yummy slushie (they recommended it for the cold).  He was a little crabby and wobbly after the procedure.  By the afternoon and after a nice nap, he was doing much better.

He is all back to normal now.  Prior to the appointment, he constantly had his hands crammed in his mouth.  Those four cavities were causing him so much pain because afterwards, nothing.  No more hands in his mouth.  The dentist had told us that the nerves were very inflamed and he had to put antibiotics in one of the nerve canals.  He said it was very good we came when we did.

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