Monday, January 18, 2010

Eli's 15 months, okay 15 1/2 months old!

I've been putting off the blog update, waiting for Eli's doctor appointment so that I would have some stats to report. He is currently 23lbs 2oz and a whopping 33inches tall! Big boy, in the 97%tile for his height! But I guess we knew he would be tall since his daddy is too. When we first got into the exam room, he was actually smiling at the nurse, which surprised me. He hasn't been too friendly with strangers lately. He did great with the weight but it took us few tries to get his height measured--he kept twisting and turning to get free. His head is starting to catch up with the rest of his body.

When the doctor walked into the room, he wanted up in my arms right away. We talked for a few minutes and then she started to examine him while he was in my arms. I love that about this doctor. I swear when she was listening to his lungs he wasn't even breathing. He clutches to my arms so tight sometimes he pinches them with his little razor-sharp nails. She pretty much said the 15 month olds usually cry when she examines them. He was lying on the table so still he was like a statue. He did really well. He started to get upset right at the end of the exam, little tears welled up in his eyes but he never really lost it.

I thought that he had a few canker sores in his mouth last week so I told the doctor about them. Turns out he has thrush! It looks so painful but the doctor said it's not. It doesn't seem to bother him, he has been eating and drinking okay. I have to give him an oral solution 4 times a day and he doesn't like it! I also put some on a q-tip and kinda paint it on. She also said it feels like his molars are coming in. That might explain why he has been sleeping miserably at night. I think it's going to be quite a challenge to get rid of the thrush. I have to sterilize all of his pacifiers, cups, toys, spoons, bowls, etc every day. And just be careful not to recontaminate things. Hopefully we can get it cleared up very soon.

He had to get the last dose of his DTap and Hib and he wasn't happy about it. He only cried for a minute until I showed him the bandage on his leg, then he ripped it off! I took it back from him and put it on his leg again and then he started crying. I don't know if he cried from the pain of ripping off the bandage or cause I took it from him. I tried to get him dressed as quick as possible and we checked out. He got a Sesame Street sticker and that made him pretty happy! It was all worth it then...:)

I just took a peek at my posting from his 14 months. It's amazing how much has changed in 6 weeks. He is trying to climb on everything now. We have an island in the kitchen with a shelf on the bottom that he loves to try and get up on. He holds on to the top and then steps up on the shelf, instantly giving me a heart attack every time. Of course it is not allowed! Which makes it extra tempting for him.

He really seems to have a blast doing everything I tell him not to. He throws his food off the tray table in his highchair, and he loves throwing his toys out of the bathtub. In fact, he doesn't have any toys in the bath to play with now. I'm giving him a week to get it out of his system (yeah right). I guess he just loves to throw things. Sometimes he gets really mad and he'll push whatever it is he's mad at. It's amazing how much frustration he can work up sometimes.

He is getting sooo tall. And I am having to make sure I push back everything on the counters now. In fact, the other day he grabbed my car keys off the counter and I couldn't find them. He put them in his train table and I found them a few days later.
I need to reorganize the drawers since he can open them now and reach in to grab whatever he wants.

JR and I have noticed a pattern each night. After dinner, I take him out of the highchair and he runs circles around the table for like 10 minutes! Sometimes as he passes the back door, he'll look at himself and start laughing. JR and I will tickle him as he passes us by. He also loves when we chase him around the living room. He looks over his shoulder to make sure we are still coming after him. Sometimes he will even stop so we can get him. It's too cute! He also loves being pushed around in his red coupe! JR pushes him through the house like a bat out of hell and Eli loves it. I will hide around the corner and then pop out and scare him. He gets me laughing so hard that my stomach hurts!

I am looking forward to the next few months to see how much Eli changes. I can't wait for him to start calling me Mama for crying out loud!

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