I was the only Oakley who made it til midnight New Year's Eve. Eli woke up around 11:30p.m. and I got him back to sleep within a few minutes. I crawled back into bed at 11:58 and two minutes later the fireworks started blasting off. I was pretty sure I would soon hear Eli crying, but he never woke up (thank goodness). I am always amazed at what wakes him up and what doesn't.
JR was home from work for New Years Day, so we just lounged around the house in the morning. That afternoon we decided to go to PF Chang's for lunch/dinner. I got all of Eli's food ready (he doesn't care for Chinese Bistro) and we headed out. He did really great at the restaurant. He did launch his cup across the room at one point, but thankfully no one was injured :)
Afterward we went to DSW to find a new pair of shoes for myself. Eli loved walking around the store and looking at all the mirrors, especially the ones that were on the bottom of the seats you sit on when you are trying on your shoes. He thought that was hilarious.
I have some resolutions for the New Year:
#1 Return my library books on time...so far I have made good on this one
#2 I know I already made a second one, but i can't seem to remember it
#3 Start laundry with the intent of finishing it, instead of it sitting in the dryer for a week
#4 Start and stick with a fitness program (isn't this everyone's resolution?)
#5 Work hard on sticking to the grocery budget
Ah ha, I remembered a few more resolutions!
#6 Try hard to recycle...we have to take our recycling somewhere as opposed to just sticking it in a can and someone comes to get it
#7 Eat healthier (most of the time, I love my sweets)
We are heading back to Arizona for my brother's graduation in May, so we are saving up for that. There are also some things we would like to get for the house this year, new kitchen table and barstools. Also some furniture for the livingroom.
I am looking forward to this new year!
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