Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jack is One Years Old!

Well this was pretty much the fastest year of my life.  Jack is one!  We are having a Mickey Mouse birthday party for him on Saturday with a couple of friends. I've been busy making a few special decorations for the party.  In the meantime, here's what Jack has been up to:

*Loves to copy our noises

*Points to everything 

*Asks to be picked up, gets on knees and puts arms in the air

*Loves paper, finds every little speck and crumb on the floor

*Loves to swing 

*Still has 6 teeth but I swear the others are coming :)

He isn't pulling up yet or cruising on furniture which is fine with me.  He took a bit longer to crawl so I'm sure walking might be a couple months away still.  His legs seem very wobbly.  

Love this big little guy and all his funny expressions, big smiles and laughs, and cute sounds.  Happy Birthday Jack Jack!


Heather and Josh said...

Happy Birthday Jack! Have lots of fun at your party!

nana said...

He is the cutest. He has such cute expressions. Seems like he is happy all the time. Enjoy your party Jack. Love to everyone. Nana

The Oakley's said...

Thanks Heather!

The Oakley's said...

His expressions are the best. Thanks Nana!