Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jack is 14 Months

Over the last month we've been working on reorganizing.  It keeps us all very busy.  While I was working on different things the boys would be going through all the old toys they didn't remember.  I redid Eli's room.  His clothes now hang in his closet, the drawers were too small to fit his clothes (both in size and quantity!).  It's amazing but this kid has 30 t-shirts!

New and improved closet

Nice and neat.  Top shelf holds old clothes/seasonal clothes and keepsake items.

Got new shelf baskets for his toys.

Jack has kind of taken over the playroom so I wanted to organize Eli's room and make it easy for him to find his toys.  He enjoys playing at his desk.

Now onto Jack.  He is adding more foods to his list.  He really enjoys meats, little bits of bacon, hot dog and sausage. Sometimes chicken.  I gave him some soft cucumber yesterday.  I make chicken soup every week and he LOVES the broth.  He loves French fries.  He loves ice cream.  He's thrown up a couple of times with dairy so I only give him a couple of licks.  I'm trying to stay away from grains until he's a bit older. He still gags, scratches his tongue to get whatever it is he doesn't like off of it.  So for now he's still mostly nursing.  If he keeps improving with his foods (and drinking from his sippy cup) I can see starting to cut back on nursings after the holidays.  

He is also becoming more brave with sitting down from the standing position.  He will sit down when he's at the train table or couch, but other things are a little too high up for him and he gets stuck.

He really loves to play peek-a-boo.  He will cover his face, sometimes he misses his eyes completely but we know he means to cover them.  He loves to tickle us and he says tickle, tickle all the time.  Ball is his other favorite word.  

He loves this book with the kitty cats and he said "Jade" when he saw them.

1 comment:

nana said...

He sure likes more food than Eli did. He is getting so big.